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Everything posted by Kalanikila

  1. Shut this cheating fucking site down. Bc is a.scam. this is why they are losing all of their depositing players. They have done nothing but make promises and break them. Then they rig their fucking gams to a point they are not playable. They claim endless benifits but let's look at it. Rakeback was taken away... They can't even be bothered to give even that little bit back. Oh but BCD rakeback? You mean locked deposit bonus? Wager 5k to unlock 5 dollars? Min 5 dollars to unlock. So while you wager on these rigged games with a now raised minimum bet.. you no longer have sustain to wager. So you now must deposit over and over again to reach that 6l5 bucks unlocked. Hell I have to wager 15 million to get my unlocked BCD. That's no bonus. That a scam. Weekly and monthly benifits? Naaa wager 1k to get your weekly it will only be 75 cents. Wager 10k to get your monthly of like a dollar. Recharge? Completely shit. Don't forget about your hosts! Who do absolutely nothing at all. They are useless as fuck as well. Don't waste you time here. Trust me. VIP is not worth it. Chat is full of low level beggers and you may only get rain from coco once every 3 months if your lucky. Why? Because people like me who use to make it rain thousands of dollars a day got tired of bc fucking us over and stopped. They probably don't realize how much that alone fucked them. Trash casino, trash staff, shit benifits. Tldr... Fuck bc cheating ass casino. Go play at any other casino. Let these parasites kill themselves.
  2. This is from a low budget test ran over the last 24 hours. 5 dollar start almost 1 million bets placed no stopping.. no seed changes. It's basically the same as a martingale strat in terms of end results but it's very different when it. Comes to the method. It's able to eat thousands of losses a hit in profits without tanking your balance. It clears 100% daily profits. 700% weekly. I've used it at 2 dollars starting and at 1500 dollars.
  3. Here is another shot. This is within the same run. Notice the loss streak and the recovery. I plan on sharing the script once I test it some more.
  4. If not for the socket error it would have kept going. It's able to eat a 1200 losses in a row and still be comfortable with a relatively low balance. This was just a testing amount but it doubled my bal in the time it ran.
  5. Thank you much! I'll mess with it but that makes sense.
  6. Anyone know how to fix this error? I know it needs to be a part of a string but don't know how to write it.
  7. Any chance I could get you to shoot me the updated version of the script? Every script I try just seems to dump
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