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Halloween: BTC Prediction share $500 !!!


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:Untitled-1: Halloween: BTC Prediction $500 treat !!!


🎃 Starts:  24 , October 02:00 AM UTC 🎃
🎃 Ends:  28 , October 01:59 AM UTC 🎃

Hey BC Players! Halloween treat (no trick) , Coco is on his way !!!

This time, Coco want you to share $500 treat (or take it all , maybe? ) by joining his giveaway event!



  • Place any bet on any of the game(s) in BC.GAME
  • Bet result with “lost” or "win" ,both is valid to submit the ticket id.
  • Hedging is strictly not allowed.
  • Multiple users with correct price range, $500 will be share equally.
  • Submit your ideal price range by here: https://forms.gle/rjsHZ8bkaYLoNXvP9
  1. End of date for form submit action:    01:59 UTC+0, 28 Oct 2022
  2. Market value capture time:    12:00PM UCT+0, 31 Oct 2022
  3. Market value refer site:    https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/bitcoin/
  4. Form is uneditable after submitted successful. Please pick your ideal price range carefully. Final price range reveal based on USD($).


Minimum VIP
Minimum VIP 4 Level and above.


Minimum bet size
Equivalent to $0.1 USD


Eligible currencies
All cryptocurrencies are eligible (except JB,BCL)


How to Participate :

  • Post your Ticket ID, along with your ticket id & screenshot, as a reply to this thread as follows.
  • Providing the bet link is mandatory.(Exception for sport bet)
  • Submit google form: https://forms.gle/rjsHZ8bkaYLoNXvP9

Example for reference :


Ticket ID: 2178076114965115642




Link: https://bc.game/#/sd/10VD2L3WKXL98Z


In case you need some screenshot for referring :






Follow @BCGame_bilfor more interesting update !!!

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  • Replies 109
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so.... im not sure i get how this works.  people just posting any old bet slip?  win or lose?  even with bets around a penny or two at times?  and thats it?  no guesses for btc price.  what am i missing?

so read rules again.  why are we even posting a bet?  why not just guess on the google form?  seems silly as the bet is meaningless.


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9 minutes ago, Smknginmaine said:

so.... im not sure i get how this works.  people just posting any old bet slip?  win or lose?  even with bets around a penny or two at times?  and thats it?  no guesses for btc price.  what am i missing?

so read rules again.  why are we even posting a bet?  why not just guess on the google form?  seems silly as the bet is meaningless.


That's always an important reason of posting bet history to us.
You can definitely assume this as a free entry events ya. TQVM for the feedback

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