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Game crash



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38 minutes ago, RJF1982 said:

If the game crashes when you are trying time to cash out on the game crash - is there any way to report that to get your money back


The reported issue appears to be an internet connection issue and not the game itself! CRASH is a real-time online game (a game where users interact with it over the Internet), and there may be a delay between the time you click the “Cash Out” button and the time the server receives your payment. withdrawal instruction. The worse your internet connection, the longer it will take for your message to reach the game server.

In a perfect environment, your “Cash Out” request can take up to 134 milliseconds to reach the game server.

The best way to avoid damage from internet lag is to use the auto-withdraw function. With automatic withdrawal the message is sent to the server at the same time you place your bet, the server can execute your withdrawal instruction accurately and regardless of the delay.

But in order to carry out a more complex verification you can contact our support: support.bc.game or help.bc.game, containing the game ID, capture of the bet and your bet history.

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